The holiday season is here! It’s a time for office parties, family gatherings, holiday markets and dinners out on the town. With so many festive activities, you may find yourself surrounded by rich foods, tempting treats and sugary drinks!

It can be a challenge to resist nibbling on sweets or limiting how many glasses of cheer you may enjoy. That said, unfortunately, the scale doesn’t seem to care about the magic of the season and will creep up just the same if you go overboard. Instead of dealing with extra weight gain in January, keep weight under control during the holidays with a few simple tricks! Read on for how to beat the holiday weight gain and feel great with these simple tricks:

Here are 5 tips to help you beat holiday weight gain:

1)    Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks per day that include whole, healthy foods. Skipping meals or healthy snacks makes it harder to resist temptations, leads to cravings, and can cause you to binge on empty calories. 

2)    Keep a bowl of clean apples or mandarins on your desk at work or on the coffee table at home as a healthy alternative to the candy dish or cookie jar.

3)    Alcohol is a sneaky weight gain trap. When sipping drinks during holiday parties, try to alternate between soda or tonic with a lime wedge and your drink of choice. Or opt for a Spritz by mixing white wine or rosé with a splash of fizzy water like Perrier. Either trick will cut down calories by at least half!

4)    Drink lots of water to keep that ‘full’ feeling and stay hydrated to stave off sugar cravings.

5)    Try to get 6-8 hours of sleep every night. This may seem impossible around the busy holiday season but sleep is restorative to the body helping reduce fat producing hormones like cortisol. Plus, we all know we tend to make poor food choices when we’re tired!

 The holidays are a wonderful time of the year to spend together with family and friends. With these simple hacks, you can still enjoy while keeping your weight under control. Happy Holidays!


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