Plan to include healthy living during this holiday season! As we approach December, our busy schedules overflow with gift shopping, family dinners, and indulgent parties. Without realizing it, stress can build up even during this joyous holiday season. These stresses are then processed by the master coordinator of your body – your nervous system. At Jassal Chiropractic, we understand that these stresses can take a toll on your overall wellbeing. Physical stresses from over-eating/over-drinking, emotional stresses, or chemical stresses can result in subluxations that affect both the young and old. Chiropractic care is a great way to ensure your nervous system can effectively deal with these stresses. For children, pediatric adjustments can allow them to feel the most joy and to have the best experience this winter season. Regular adjustments at our Vancouver chiropractic clinic helps your nervous system heal itself, removing subluxations that impair your body’s ability to function optimally. Allow yourself to experience the most joy during these winter months in Vancouver, and set yourself up for fulfillment of your resolutions in 2015.