Happy New Year!
It’s been a wonderful year at Jassal Chiropractic. We are so happy to see our practice members continue to grow healthier with each visit, while welcoming many new faces into our practice. A big thank you to everyone who so generously donated to our annual Coat and Toy Drive this year – we were able to donate 140 toys and 150 coats! Check out our Facebook page for pictures! As well, we’d like to sincerely thank those patients who have posted such wonderful Google reviews – we love to read about your experiences with us, and these reviews have helped us help even more people!
We are also welcoming a new chiropractic intern to our team! Dr Natasha is a graduate of Northwestern University (www.nwhealth.edu/college-of-chiropractic/), and, like Dr Jassal, is a native of Winnipeg moving to the West Coast. She will be helping in the clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays in January and February.
January is a time for a fresh start, for challenging yourself with new experiences, and of course, committing to new resolutions. Getting healthy is the most common New Year’s resolution, and being healthy gives you the best chance for achieving your goals. Optimizing your health is an integral part of growth, whether it is personally, professionally, in our relationships with others or our relationship with ourselves. When you are truly well and functioning at the highest possible level, the possibilities for improvement in all areas of your life become endless. At Jassal Chiropractic, we are committed to helping you realize and exceed your potential by allowing your nervous system to function without impediment. If you have friends or family members who are interested in living a life of optimum health, we hope you refer them to us – our goal for a healthier and happier world starts with you!
Keep an eye out for some exciting changes at the clinic this year. We will be transitioning to a paperless system to make the clinic more efficient while using less paper and creating less waste. For those patients who are used to having a paper chart, Dr Jassal will now be using an iPad or computer to track charts and notes. However, we will still be using the clipboards to keep track of which adjusting rooms are available.
Our first day open in the new year is January 2nd, and we will also be open Friday, January 3rd for regular hours, and Saturday, January 4th, from 8:30-11:30am. If you’ve been away from the clinic for a while, give us a call – it’s a great time to re-start your care.