Happy August! It has been the most beautiful summer in a long time and we hope you are all enjoying the sunshine. It’s a great time of year to go out for a walk – Dr. Jassal recommends walking as a simple, gentle way to exercise and help your body process your adjustments. Please make sure you are drinking enough water in this heat – our bodies lose a lot of water as we sweat and it’s very important to stay hydrated.
We will be closed for BC Day on Monday August 5 as well as on Wednesday August 28 for Dr. Jassal to attend a board meeting in the afternoon.
We would like to say a fond farewell to Natasha and Christina, who have both been recently married and are off to start new adventures. Natasha will be moving to Prince George, and Christina to Calgary to finish her degree in Design. We wish them both well for this new chapter in their lives!
We welcome Tilly to our team and are excited to have her on board. We would ALSO like to welcome back Laura, who has been away for about a year, and is now returning to a permanent position with us! Many of you will remember her cheerful face – she is very happy to be back and will start mid-August.
Dr. Jassal would like to introduce Foot Levelers Orthotics as an excellent option for balancing your body. Their technology involves a 3D foot scan to help correct flattened arches and other issues which can affect your entire posture! Contact us to find out how we can help you with custom orthotics.