
One of the things you’ll notice about us right away is that we are a Wellness-Based office. It is very important for our practise members to understand that Chiropractic is just one of the many keys to living a long, healthy life. Today we’re going to tell you a few things that you can do to supplement your Chiropractic adjustments and help you to live to your fullest potential.

1. Make a Plan. When you have a clear wellness plan in mind, it becomes easier to create your ideal life.  Instead of just going with the flow, take responsibility for your own health and happiness, so that you are empowered to become the very best You. Maintain a regular schedule from day to day – wake up, eat, take breaks, and go to bed at the same basic times. If you use a day planner and set small goals along the way, it becomes easier for you to stick to the plan. Start out simply!

2. Exercise Regularly. This is common sense. Exercise helps relieve stress, balance hormones and maintain a healthy strong body. If you plan to live a long, full life, exercise is mandatory. All you need is about 30 minutes a day to feel great! It’s especially good to get moving if you work a desk job. Make sure to get up and stretch for just a few minutes each hour. You’ll feel better and have more focus.

3. Turn off the TV and computer! There are such negative messages in the media. Do you really need to spend as much time as you do in front of a screen? Devote some time each day to spend alone and/or with your loved ones doing something that keeps you connected. At the end of our lives, what will we miss most? The shows on TV or the lost minutes with our friends and family?

4. Have a Clean Diet. Eat fresh local food as much as possible, and learn to enjoy raw food too! We are very lucky to have such fantastic food culture in Vancouver, so try something new and exciting to eat every so often. Everyone knows it’s best to avoid processed foods and overindulging in toxic things like alcohol or drugs; what not many people understand is that these things cause chemical subluxations and can set you back in your Chiropractic care.

5. Mental and Emotional Wellness. This is the most overlooked aspect of ourselves when it comes to wellness. Even if you eat healthily, sleep well and exercise properly, you are poisoning yourself (and others around you!) if you have a negative attitude and unresolved emotional baggage. If you feel sad, angry or anxious most of the time, it’s best to take steps to become a more positive person. Using affirmations and being conscious of the things you say to yourself are great ways to start. We like any books by Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay to start off.

If you’d like to learn more about how to achieve optimum wellness, Dr. Jassal hosts a complimentary class every second Tuesday. At this 30 minute class, you’ll learn some important things about how to get the best results in the shortest time. Want to learn more? Call us at 604.731.3006 and we would be delighted to help you!

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