You might know Karen’s smiling face as the first person you see when you walk into Jassal Chiropractic most afternoon’s, but do you know what her one strange wellness habit is? Read on below, and get to know Karen!
Best part of your job?
Honestly, there are so many! Seeing the changes and improvements patients experience while under care at the clinic, chatting with all of the familiar faces that come in to the clinic everyday, playing with the little kiddos who love to hang out with us at reception – working with such a great team is a bonus too!
Biggest lesson Chiropractic has taught you?
That Chiropractic is for everyone, and you don’t necessarily need to be in pain or suffer from a specific ailment to reap the benefits of chiropractic care.
Day off pastime:
Going for a coffee, meeting friends, just being out and about in the sunshine as much as possible.
Daily breakfast
Granola with some kind of fruit, mostly strawberries or blueberries.
Go-to juice or smoothie
The Mondo berry smoothie from Whole Foods is so good.
What is your morning routine?
It’s never set in stone but usually involves getting ready for work, breakfast, maybe a show with breakfast if there’s time, and then I walk or cycle to work grabbing a coffee on the way.
3 Staples always in my pantry:
Granola, oranges, chocolate
At least once a week I cook:
Burgers! With all the toppings. Yum
Top 3 restaurants you love in Vancouver?
Sal Y Limon, Nook, Pizzeria Barbarella
Can’t live without:
Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, all to keep in contact with family at home and friends who are dotted all over the globe at the moment
Fave workout:
A hike or cycle, yoga too!
Strange wellness habit:
I love naps, not the best habit,but every so often I like to squeeze one in!
One piece of advice you would give to your younger self:
To just go for it, take the risk.
Current read on your bedside table:
The Curious Incident of the dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon
Best concert you have been to:
An Irish band called Villagers I saw perform in Dublin a couple of years back, and I saw the XX more recently also who were amazing.
Always wearing lately:
Sunscreen! Even though I love being out in the sun, my pasty Irish skin isn’t always thrilled about it!
Quote(s) to live by:
“If you love life then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” – Ben Franklin